Grandiloquent Dictionary


iatrapistia - ( )
 A lack of faith in the medical system
iatrogenic - ( )
 Pertaining to medical problems caused by a doctor's treatment
iatrophobia - ( )
 A fear of going to the doctor
ichnography - ( )
 A map or floor plan which is drawn to scale
ichnology - ( )
 The study of fossilized footprints
ichnomancy - ( )
 Divination using footprints
ichor - ( )
 The blood of a god
ichthyomancy - ( )
 Divination or magic involving fish
icker - ( )
 A single ear of corn
iconomancy - ( )
 Divination using icons
icthyophobia - ( )
 A fear of fish
idolomancy - ( )
 Divination using idols
ignipotent - ( )
 Having control of or power over fire
illeism - ( )
 The practice of referring to oneself as "he" or "she", or by one's name
illyngophobia - ( )
 The fear of vertigo
impecunious - ( )
 Having little or no money
impecunious - ( )
 Having no cash or money
inaniloquent - ( )
 Speaking foolishly or saying silly things
incicurable - ( )
 Being untamable
incunabula - ( )
 A book which was printed before 1500 AD, in the dawn of publishing
infracaninophile - ( )
 One who supports or defends the underdog
interamnian - ( )
 Being between rivers
interfenestration - ( )
 1. The space between two windows
interfenestration - ( )
 2. The art of placing windows
intrapreneur - ( )
 A company employee who is not bound by rules or policies and who is free to refine products
iophobia - ( )
 A fear of poison or being poisoned
iophobia - ( )
 A fear of rust
ipsedixitism - ( )
 The practice of dogmatic assertion
irenology - ( )
 The study of peace
isocracy - ( )
 A government in which everyone has equal power
isopterophobia - ( )
 The fear of termites
izles - ( )
 Any sparks or embers which rise from a chimney

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