FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

1. I'm really interested in co-op sailing! However, I am 26 years old and have zero boating experience. I am really hard working and a faster learner and could do extra chores to prove my worth. Looking for the opportunity to gain the skills and knowledge to be self sufficient on a boat.

Unfortunately we don't have the resources to teach sailing and all the related disciplines such as chart usage and navigation, VHF radio, tides/currents etc. Our “How to Become a Skipper” section of the website gives you an idea of the knowledge and skills that we consider important. Ideally we'd like prospective members to have some sailing/cruising experience as a skipper on a keelboat in tidal waters. For learning: have a look at some of the offerings by Power and Sail Squadron and Canadian Yachting Association. There are a variety of great teaching organizations on the coast. Once you have a couple of years sailing experience as a skipper we’d love to hear from you.

2. Are the fees prorated for the first year to match the co-ops year?

Annual membership fees will be prorated based on joining date. However, the joining/application fee is not prorated. In addition, newly qualified skippers would have their skipper's dues prorated based on the date they qualified (successfully checked out) but the capital fee (spread over 3 years) is not prorated.

3. How long are we obligated to be a member? That is, if we decide after the first year that it's not for us are we committed to a minimum number of years?

There is no minimum time limit for membership beyond the current year (or portion thereof) that's paid for.

4. Are there surprise fees at the end of the year or has the group built up reserves to deal with surprises, such as new sails, etc.?

We budget annually for foreseeable maintenance and predictable upgrades and try to keep a modest annual reserve. We don't like surprises and try to avoid them but have yet to build up a capital reserve fund that carries over fiscal years. In part, this is because the members over the years have had a preference for a "pay-as-you-go" model. There have been infrequent times when we needed to supplement our revenues with an additional levy on members to cover unexpected repairs or upgrades. Such items are broadly discussed at meetings and voted on before financial commitment and are usually boat specific so that not all members are committed to expenditures they wouldn't benefit from (e.g. unexpected racing repairs/upgrades are paid for by the racers and unexpected Jolie repairs/upgrades are usually paid for by Jolie skippers). A good example of the latter is the diesel rebuild on Jolie: it was time to do it and was simply a replacement of a worn-out component so it was shared by all (except that some of the Jolie skippers made loans to the organization to cover the cash flow).

5. Is it possible to have someone show us the boat first, we are interested in the Pearson 33?

We'd love to meet up with you and show you the boats. We'd first like to know a bit about yourself. You'll note from our website that there is an application form and waiver you must complete that requires some information about yourself, your sailing experience, any particular skills you may possess and your objectives regarding Fairwinds. We don't cash anybody's application fee cheque until we've reviewed their credentials, shown them the boats, taken them out for a courtesy sail and determined that there's a "good membership fit" for both the individual and the organization. If that occurs and you do become a member, we jointly draw up an individual sailing development plan that meets your needs and gets Fairwinds ready to facilitate its achievement.

6. I've owned a sailboat and have a CYA certificate. Do I still need to do the Checkout?

As the boats are shared, it's important that everyone has a common understanding of the boats (e.g. all rigging, safety equipment, engine, electrical system, plumbing, nav/com systems, propane system etc.) as well as club procedures and good seamanship. Over the years, we've found that the "Checkout" process is the best way to achieve this. The "Checkout" isn't difficult for competent sailors. We've all been through it and everyone is supportive of helping new members "learn the ropes". In fact, the willingness to assist, problem solve, and co-operate with others are important qualities we look for in new members. It actually works both ways as the orientation sails with new members helps to keep existing skippers "current" with the checkout requirements.

7. We spend 6 weeks each summer in North Saanich. I have a boat in California, and hold a captain's license. I am interested in knowing more about your organization. We will be up from June 15-Aug. 1.

Thanks for you interest, however we're looking for members who can be active within our Association throughout the year. As a cooperative we rely upon members being available on an as-needed basis to assist with boat maintenance, boat checks (e.g. during winter/storms) and to participate in other club activities such as meetings, orientation sails for new members, serve on our executive etc.

8. When do I get access to the booking system and when do I pay my capital fee and annual sailing fee?

The basic process for new members is: we take you and your partner out for a courtesy sail on Massilia and you get a chance to handle her under power and sail. We want to make sure you're comfortable handling the boat and her systems and there's a good "fit" in terms of mutual expectations. Assuming same, you would then pay the crewing fee and receive access to the booking system. At that point you can book Massilia although you need to designate another skipper to sail with. You also receive dockside-only access to Massilia and you can spend as much time as you want on the boat familiarizing yourself with her rigging and systems - you just can't take her out alone. The check sails then happen followed by a final ride with our Vice Commodore. Once the checkout requirements are met, the annual sailing fee (pro-rated) and 1st installment of the capital fee become due. Once paid, you then have full access to Massilia as skipper. Note that your crewing fee gets credited to your annual skipper sailing fee.