
1. Child's word for mother (4)
5. Elevator manufacturer (4)
9. Multicoloured (7)
16. The sound a wave might make when it hits the beach (5)
18. We had a great ___ in February when Alanna’s sisters, Colleen and Bridget, visited and helped us celebrate Alanna’s 60th birthday (31 January). (4)
19. The author of "How to Win Friends and Influence People" (8)
20. Although you might think this pertains to music, in mathematics it means a particular kind of number sequence (8,11)
23. "____-depressive" -- the old name for bipolar illness (5)
24. Correct errors in writing (4)
25. Atoms that carry a plus or minus charge (4)
26. Sierra Leone monetary units (6)
28. God's promise to Abraham; "I will indeed bless you, and I will make your offspring as numerous as the stars of heaven and as the ___ that is on the seashore." (Genesis 22:17) (4)
30. Unhappy (3)
32. Commercials (3)
33. Money paid to someone who is too ill to work (8,7)
40. In October Art traveled to Campbell River to____with local clergy to ask for funding from local churches for a chaplaincy position at the Campbell River Hospital. He was doing this because his job changed this year. He had been a hospital chaplain for 10 years with the Vancouver Island health Authority working in long-term care hospitals. He is now the “advanced practice leader”for Spiritual Health in the Authority, which is a job that combines administration, and research, and education of chaplains, and a few other things. It took most of the year to move slowly into that job while handing over his old job to another chaplain. So by Christmas, Art will be fully into the new job, which is a very interesting and very challenging. He's never been so busy as he is now. (4)
42. In astrology the sign before Virgo (3)
43. "If it ___ broke, don't fix it" (4)
44. What some card players have up their sleeve (3)
45. General term for the industry that employs singers, comedians, actors, and other performers (13)
50. Money substitute (5)
52. Displayed (5)
53. Beginning (5)
55. Curved molding (4)
56. Warning from a Florida everglades tour guide: "If you see ___, don't go near the critter!" (1, 5)
59. Ordinary (abbr.) (3)
60. Not at sea (6)
62. Opposite of "go" (4)
63. Old photo brownish color (5)
66. If you win the lotto, you might be tempted to go on a shopping ____ (5)
68. "___, loora, loora, that's an Irish lullaby" (5)
70. A pale light sometimes seen at night over marshy ground (4-1-3-5)
75. Stars and Stripes nation (abbr.) (3)
76. "Let it stand" (4)
78. What a smelter refines (3)
79. Cassowary's cousin (4)
80. It's used to make a point (6,9)
86. Holiday ___ -- hotel we stayed at when Alanna was ordained a minister of the United Church of Canada on May 25, 2008 at Capilano College in North Vancouver at a
meeting of the United Church British Columbia conference. It was a lovely service. We put pictures of it on our website <>. Alanna’s sister, Colleen, and her husband, John Weatherseed, came from Cheltenham near Toronto and Alanna’s sister, Brigid, came from Toronto to be at the service. Among those who came to the ordination were people from First United Church in White Rock, where Alanna had done her eight-month internship the previous year, and folks from Centennial United Church in Victoria, where Atlanta was going to be the minister, which was an answer to a prayer for them and for Alanna. After the service we had a luncheon, which we cohosted with another person who had been ordained, Fran Darling. We had guests from her side and from our side. My stepmother, Rosalie, and my brother, Joseph, were there. Fran’s husband, Peter, a physician who plays bagpipes as a hobby, played the bagpipes at the beginning of our luncheon. Alanna started as the minister at Centennial United Church on July 1. And for quite a while she kept saying to herself, “I can't believe I'm here”, because it had taken so long and so much work to get to that point. Now she's beginning to believe that she's really there. (3)
87. ___ La Biche (3)
88. Struggle for air (4)
89. Prompting (6)
91. The mail-order company that supplied Wile E. Coyote with equipment (4)
94. Looked at (4)
96. German version of the name "Ernest" (5)
97. You might hire this professional to do your taxes (9,10)
104. Neatness (8)
105. Destroy (4)
106. They are used to join two oxen at the neck so they can work together as a team (5)
107. Ghost (7)
108. Large bodies of water (4)
109. Admonition to be quiet: "I don't want to hear a ___ out of you!" (4)


1. Units of speed in the U.S. (3)
2. Turkey ___ king (3)
3. Kind of monkey (8)
4. "Pleased ____ with man to dwell" -- line from "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" (2, 3)
5. Suffix with neur- (4)
6. ___-tac-toe (3)
7. Little devil (3)
8. Tranquil (6)
9. Portion (4)
10. Anger (3)
11. They follow ems (3)
12. Next to (6)
13. An allowance for the difference in value of two currencies (4)
14. Big cat (4)
15. Lairs (4)
17. Sharpens, as a razor or an axe (5)
19. Computer Generated Imagery (abbr.) (3)
21. Network and Information System Integration (abbr.) (4)
22. Not evens (4)
26. Crippled (4)
27. Biblical paradise (4)
28. Coil of yarn (5)
29. The world's most prolific author (4)
30. Upper house member of parliament (abbr.) (3)
31. Army ___ -- don't get in the way of these insects when they are on the march! (4)
34. Talon (4)
35. French for "without" (4)
36. What fishermen hope the fish will do (4)
37. City in North Dakota (5)
38. Less friendly (5)
39. North American aboriginal dwelling (5)
41. Consumer reviews are often based on this person's work (6)
46. Letter after Pi in the Greek alphabet (3)
47. Rocky peaks (4)
48. Ethical (5)
49. Finish (3)
51. One of several entitled to an inheritance (6)
54. In a parable of Jesus', a weed than an enemy planted in a farmer's field (4)
56. What little brats do in public (3,2)
57. Canada ___. Art's word for this bird is "pooper". (5)
58. Typical line in a news story: "Hearing ___, police checked the alley and found an injured man". (1, 4)
59. Olive or canola product (3)
61. Use a needle and thread (3)
64. Female sheep (4)
65. Core (4)
66. ___ throat (illness) (5)
67. Phenomenology (abbr.) (4)
69. Largest continent (4)
71. "My mistake!" (4)
72. Chinese black mushroom (8)
73. Actor Sean ____ (4)
74. Caroled (4)
77. What one expects from one's spouse when one is ill (abbr.) (3)
81. Clergyperson (6)
82. Well-___, the best kind of cheddar cheese (4)
83. Instruments for detecting objects by bouncing radio waves off them (6)
84. Beige colour (4)
85. Nose that requires a Kleenex (5)
90. Prevent legally (5)
91. Book in the Bible: "___ of the Apostles" (4)
92. French fry (4)
93. A blue table runner, ___ in Guatamala, was sewn by Alanna to make an advent stole. As ordination gifts she was given stoles by St. Paul's United Church in Sidney, Centennial United Church, and St. Johns United Church in North Saanich. But she didn't have an advent stole, which has to be blue in the United Church tradition, and she couldn't find one that cost a reasonable amount. (4)
94. Gaelic language (4)
95. Affirmative reply (3)
96. Millions of years (4)
98. Explosive (abbr.) (3)
99. Always, poetically (3)
100. Stick used to hit balls in billiards (3)
101. U. S. intelligence agency (abbr.) (3)
102. Omer and Marguerite ( ___ DeCruyenaere) Van Walleghem, Art's uncle and aunt, celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary in July. We flew to Winnipeg on a Friday, attended the celebration on Saturday, and flew back to Sidney on Sunday. While we were in Winnipeg, we were kindly invited to supper by Art's cousin, Shirley, and her husband Marcel Beeusaert. Art saw that Shirley was using a steamer to cook vegetables. Art immediately decided he needed to get a steamer. And so on our return to Sidney, it was not long before he was at the hardware store and purchased a very nice Black & Decker steamer, which he has used many times to cook vegetables. It does a very good job with cauliflower and broccoli and cabbage, and will also do frozen vegetables as well. However, Art still insists on cooking potatoes the old-fashioned way in boiling water. (3)
103. Cooking measure (abbr.) (3)

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