Dear family and friends,

Here is our 2007 Christmas crossword puzzle, the clues and solutions to which will tell you about some of the significant events in our lives this year. Clues that contain news about us are in bold. So if you want to skip doing the puzzle and just get our news, read the clues in bold. All our previous Christmas letters can be read on the web by going to The solution to this puzzle will be posted there in January. Enjoy!


1. Booty. (4)

5. One who is hailed countless times every day. (4)

8. Cry noisily. (4)

12. Spherical object. (3)

15. Protective garment covering the waist or front of the body. (5)

17. A Cockney's ___ is his castle. (3)

18. Organization for motorists in B.C. (abbr.). (4)

19. A vote against. (3)

20. Company resulting from the merger of the Kaiser-Frazer Corporation and the Willys-Overland Company. (6,4)

23. Last king of Troy. (5)

25. Candidates for political office engage in these. (8, 9)

27. Abbreviation of an abbreviation of "American Standard Code for Information Interchange". (3)

28. High Wind Advisory (abbr.). (3)

29. Famous tea brand. (6)

32. Ku ___x Klan. (3)

35. Disease that is long-lasting or recurrent. (7,7)

40. Details. (8)

43. We continue to belong to Corpus Sidney, a small group of married Catholic priests and ___ people who live in the area. We meet every second Monday evening to share our journey in faith, celebrate the Eucharist, and socialize. Art continues as president of Xristos Community Society and Alanna as secretary-treasurer. For information on Xristos Community Society check out our website at (3)

44. Characteristic of a city or city life. (5)

45. Dispatch boat. (5)

46. U.S. Treasury agents. (1-3)

49. A word that many people mistakenly replace with "I" in a compound object of a verb or preposition, for example, "The waiter gave Art and I the menu", "The waiter spoke with Art and I about the menu" (should be "Art and ___" in both cases). Art's theory is that people started making this mistake when it became popular to do take-offs on the queen saying "My husband and I". Or maybe using ___ seems egotistical to people. In any case it is a grammatical mistake that drives Art crazy. He has given up trying to correct people (except for his eldest sister who ignores the correction shamelessly). He is terribly embarrassed (as if anyone apart from Alanna, the grammar hawk, would notice the mistake) when, due to hearing it constantly, he commits the error himself. (2)

50. Minnesota (abbr.). (2)

51. The capacity to react quickly to what is going on around you. (14)

55. Transient Global Amnesia (abbr.) -- and who among us who are getting older has not suffered from that from time to time! (3)

58. What you are if you can't cut the mustard. (3, 3)

59. Vine often found on old brick or stone buildings. (3)

60. "___ ___ It May Concern". (2, 4)

63. Airport Code for Shannon Airport. (3)

64. It supposedly belongs to all of us. (6, 8)

68. Credit (abbr.). (2)

70. Arid (4)

71. Lampblack. (4)

72. "___ loora, loora." (5)

75. Microphone (abbr.). (3)

77. Big snake in the Amazon -- often has pressing business. (8)

79. A layer of the atmosphere tending to prevent the air below it from rising, thus trapping any pollutants that are present. (9, 5)

83. Long, long time. (3)

84. Capital of Taiwan. (6)

85. The element einsteinium (abbr.). (2)

86. What is Art's favourite beer? Okanagan Springs Pale ___. And it should be your favourite beer too. (3)

89. A monthly publication devoted to our canine companions. (4, 5, 8)

97. Joined together again. (8)

99. Cash on hand that does not have a designated purpose and therefore can be, and sometimes is, used for a disreputable purpose. (5-5)

100. Rainbow's shape. (3)

101. Celebration, often in honour of someone. (4)

102. Outer shell or case, as of a kernel of wheat. (4)

103. Lois ___, Superman's girlfriend. (4)

104. What so many of us are trying to lose with such little success. (3)

105. French word meaning "very". (4)

106. "___ culpa, ___ culpa, ___ maxima culpa". How could any of us who were brought up with the old Latin Catholic mass forget this? (3)

107. Art continues with his hospital chaplain’s job. He was asked by his director to write a discussion ___ outlining options for spiritual health services in the Vancouver Island Health Authority. This turned out to be quite a large task, and the final product was over a hundred pages long. There will be some reorganization of spiritual health services in June, and Art’s job may or may not change. (5)


1. This fall, Alanna has been doing a fair bit of pulpit supply at churches in the area. She took a few services at ___ Cowichan United Church, an hour and a half drive from Sidney. (4)

2. A kind of gem. (4)

3. Operations Research and Industrial Engineering (Abbr.) (4)

4. Opera by Puccini. (5)

5. "Got My___ Working" -- title of a Muddy Waters blues classic (1956). (4)

6. You can say that again, brother! (4)

7. Reverberate. (2-4)

8. A small pellet fired from an air rifle. (2)

9. The kind of electric current you get from a wall socket but not from a battery (Abbr.). (1-1)

10. American elk. (6)

11. A big amount, when you add it up. (5, 3)

12. Where a cadaver is placed for an autopsy. (2, 1, 4)

13. Male sheep. (3)

14. A word that often appears between a book title and the author's name. (2)

16. They are used to catch fish. (4)

21. Matteo___, Jesuit missionary to China (d. 1610). (5)

22. Least powerful chess piece. (4)

24. Alanna finished her eight-month term as an ___ (minister in training) at First United Church in White Rock at the end of April. She learned a lot, and of course made many friends. She also took an intensive one-week preaching course in the summer. This fall, she is taking one course on John Wesley. The class is at eight-thirty on Tuesday mornings, so she takes the ferry Monday night and stays overnight with another student, and returns Tuesday evening. Next semester, she will take one more course and then be finished her academic requirements for ordination. In January, she will be interviewed by the United Church Conference Interview Board, who will decide if she will be ordained in May. After all these years of preparation they had better say yes! (6)

26. We took two short vacations this year. We spent a week in May exploring parts of New Mexico. Some of the geological features are amazing. We were interested in the native American culture and visited both currently inhabited and abandoned pueblos. We posted pictures of our visit on the Internet. You can see them at Around the end of October, we took a week’s vacation at Saratoga Beach between Courtney and Campbell River. We rented a little cabin by the ocean and did what always relaxes us: go for walks, go to a different restaurant every night for supper, read, sit by the fireplace, and do two jigsaw puzzles. We took along our laptop computer (as we did on our NM trip), because it’s useful to connect to the Internet even on vacation, for example, if you want to check out restaurants in the vicinity. And of course there’s always e-___ to check. Alanna managed to sprain her ankle on the first day but that didn’t prevent her from relaxing. (4)

30. European Space Agency (abbr.). (3)

31. Basic unit of money in Japan. (3)

32. Certain department stores. (1-5)

33. Continue to dodge the Grim Reaper. (4,2)

34. The kind of singing in which everyone is singing the same tune. (6)

36. Clothing for the head. (4)

37. ___ de Roo, former bishop of Victoria. (4)

38. Arrived. (4)

39. Colouring agents. (4)

41. It delivers mail in the U.S. (abbr.). (4)

42. Screw driver or saw, for example. (4)

47. The course Alanna will take next semester is called Constructive Theology – the constructive development and reformulation of major themes of Christian life considered in relation to theological tradition and contemporary contextual issues. Themes include theological method, faith and revelation, God, human beings, sin and ___, Christ and redemption. (4)

48. Ben ___, the highest mountain in the British Isles. (5)

52. A Canadian political party (abbr.). (3)

53. New York Cotton Exchange (abbr.). (4)

54. On some calculators, the button that you press to store a number. (3)

55. A seat that can be either very exalted or very humble depending on which room it is in. (6)

56. Leave with the intention of performing an action. (2, 2, 2)

57. Author of "The Joy Luck Club". (3, 3)

61. Post-___, the time after surgery. (2)

62. "When one door closes another one opens; but ___ ___often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us." -- Alexander Graham Bell (2, 2)

65. Spiritedness. (4)

66. What people tend to put off doing until things are desperate, when if they had done it beforehand, things would never have become desperate. (4)

67. Quebec's ___Levesque. (4)

68. A heavy crepe fabric with lengthwise crinkles. (6)

69. A special talent. (4, 4)

72. Small songbird. (3)

73. Do tree surgeons go out___ ___ limb? (1, 2)

74. Fallopian tube. (7)

75. Do, re ___ . (2)

76. Big Canadian railway company (not the one Murray White's dad worked for) (abbr.). (2)

78. ___ Sagi is a type of alcoholic drink in Iran, usually home brewed. (5)

80. At the end of August, we traveled to Kelowna to celebrate the 50th wedding anniversary of Art’s oldest ___, Marguerite, and her husband, Murray. We had a good time and saw some family members – especially some younger ones – that we hadn’t seen in a long time. (6)

81. What you're supposed to keep your dog on when you take it for a walk. (5)

82. "Insane –––", the now politically incorrect term to describe a psychiatric hospital. (6)

87. On the ___ (fleeing). (3)

88. Initial and last name of the French author who risked his life by writing "J'accuse" in defence of Dreyfus in 1898. (1,4)

90. Where a Frenchman puts his beret. (4)

91. There have been many such poems written. Art considers the one by John Keats about a Grecian Urn to be the most perfect poem he has ever read. (4)

92. The mythological inspirer of Keats, for example. (4)

93. "––– ––– a silly question and you get a silly answer." (4)

94. “I catnap now and then, but I think while ___ ___, so it's not a waste of time.” -- Martha Stewart (1, 3)

95. Hawaiian goose. (4)

96. Ogler. (4)

97. They won the Battle of Britain (abbr.). (3)

98. Chapter in history. (3)