The Unknown Psychic's Lucky Lottery Numbers Winners

This page was launched on November 7th, 1995, in order to determine if there are any lucky winners out there in Cyberspace. To date, all millionaires are hiding their assets. The Psychic welcomes comments from people who got lucky using her numbers.

Please realize that the Psychic's moons may have been in the wrong house at the time your lottery numbers were generated. You'll just have to keep trying until she gets it right!

"I couldn't find your numbers. However, I'm sure the numbers I use - no matter what they are - are the ones you would have chosen during a misaligned moon. Why don't you list me in the celebraties home pages? Then, if I become one, you can claim you predicted it years ago." - Mary Kay Colling

"I used your lotto pixs today too and I will let you know how I will bespending my $10 million!" - Theresa -

"How come I have never seen a psychic win a lottery? How come all stock brokers are not wealthy?" - Larry Stringfield -