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What's in it for B.C.?

Take a look at these sad statistics!

Do you know that:

  1. B.C. paid Ottawa $2,368,000,000 (that's BILLION) in equalization payments for 1997-98.

  2. Quebec got $3,878,000,000 in equalization payments in 1997-98.

  3. Quebec has dental coverage to age 14 for all residents and a baby bonus plan!

  4. Quebec has the second largest economic output of all provinces!

  5. On top of huge equalization payments, Quebec benefits from generous business and manufacturing loans and subsidies from the federal government.

  6. Our Prime Minister has authorized a huge untendered contract to Bombardier of Quebec for a total of $2,350,000,000.

  7. On top of this, Bombardier has been given a total of $1,200,000,000 in subsidies and loans. So far, only $20 million has been repaid. Bombardier is only one of the favorite beneficiaries of our Liberal government.

Isn't it nice to know why our taxes are so high and how they are being spent? Our Senator from Saturna wasn't kidding when she promoted separation by B.C. if things don't change.

What you can do: Print out this page and send a copy to your MP. Ask them why this inequality continues and what they intend to do about it.

Fred W. Collins
Cobble Hill, B.C.