With the waning economic fortunes of the United States throwing the societies of North and Central America into turmoil, a nationalist movement known as the Sons of Montezuma gained great strides in the Mexican military establishment. In l999, a coup d'etat brought the Sons of Montezuma into power in Mexico City. They promised the people of Mexico to take up where Emperor Maximilian left off and to reclaim the former 'lost lands' to the north. There was nothing to be gained by conquering the lands to the south except more hungry mouths. With an impressive array of aged but still effective ex-Soviet military equipment, a pan-Hispanic "liberation army" was poised to strike along the Rio Grande. However, they could not strike until the urban areas in the heartland of America had been prepared by the dispossessed and resentful Hispanic minority. The vacillating administration of Paul Reubens (elected in l996) had mobilized some reserves and the rudiments of a counterintelligence network, but they were otherwise ill-prepared to deal with the end product of "Liberation Theology".


The Government player sets up first with twenty Army divisions, placed anywhere. At least ten of them must be placed within two hexes of the border with Mexico, and at least eight of these divisions must always remain within this area until the Revolution is declared. One level of victory is forfeited by the Government player for every four or fraction of four divisions removed from this "front line'. One strength-1 CIG and one 3-3-1 Agent unit are set up together anywhere in the USA.

The Rebel player sets up normally in accordance with the "coordinated revolutionary movement" rules (rule 18.3). The six Foreign divisions and the four Aggressor Security divisions are placed anywhere in Mexico. One augmented Net and one augmented Minuteman are placed in Mexico City.


Canada is ignored in the game. By l999 it had sort of ceased to function anyway. The regular divisions in Mexico may move normally within Mexico but may not attack or cross the border until the Revolution is declared or if the Government player invades Mexico in a pre-emptive strike (he forfeits one level of victory at the end of the game for doing this). The border may be crossed by Agents and Minutemen but not by militia or CIGs. Hexes travelled by Minutemen in Mexico count as 0 MPs and Government Player ZOCs do not extend across the border. The Mexico City Net may build Mexican Rebel militia or new Minutemen.


Play proceeds normally until the Revolution is declared. When it is declared, the Government player receives the variable Army divisions at CIGs as per rule 17.23, and also receives 2 "Government militia" units (use Canadian Army brigades) per turn at CIG hexes until the supply is exhausted. Government militia move and fight like Rebel militia (8 MPs, use the Rebel Defender column on the Military Combat Table if they are caught alone in a hex).


Same as for the Basic Game (18.3) but the Rebel Player does not forfeit one level of victory for "foreign intervention." The game is twenty-four turns long and the Revolution must be declared by turn 19 (Fall, Year Five) or forfeit the game.