Grandiloquent Dictionary

Grandiloquent Dictionary


labeorphilist - ( )
A collector of beer bottles
labrose - ( )
Having large or thick lips
lachanophobia - ( )
The fear of vegetables
lachanophobia - ( )
The fear of vegetables
laliophobia - ( )
See lalophobia
lalochezia - ( )
The use of foul or abusive language to relieve stress or ease pain
lalophobia - ( )
The fear of speaking
lanigerous - ( )
Wool bearing or covered with fine hair
Laodicean - ( )
Being lax in one's religious beliefs or indifferent to religion
lapidate - ( )
To stone a person to death
lapidicolous - ( )
Living under rocks
larging - ( )
The wasteful spending of money received through an inheritance, loan, or gift
latitudinarian - ( )
A person who tolerates all religions or beliefs
latrate - ( )
To bark like a dog
latrinalia - ( )
Using words that are fit for a restroom wall
latrinology - ( )
The study of writings on restroom walls
latrocination - ( )
Highway robbery or overcharging people
lavacultophilia - ( )
A desire to stare at someone in a bathing suit
leister - ( )
A three pronged, barbed spear used for catching fish
lepidophobia - ( )
A fear of butterflies
leptorrhinian - ( )
having a long narrow nose
lestobiosis - ( )
The act of pilfering food
lethologica - ( )
The inability to recall a precise word for something
leukophobia - ( )
The fear of the color white
levirate - ( )
The marriage of a woman to her husbands brother
levophobia - ( )
A fear of the left side or things to the left
lexiconophilist - ( )
A collector of dictionaries and word books
lexiphanicism - ( )
Showing off by using words
ligyrophobia - ( )
A fear of loud noises
lilapsophobia - ( )
A fear or hurricanes, cyclones, or tornadoes
limacine - ( )
Like a slug
limicolous - ( )
Living in mud or slime
limnology - ( )
The study of fresh water, such as lakes or ponds
limnophobia - ( )
A fear of lakes
linonophobia - ( )
The fear of string
lirp - ( )
To snap one's fingers
lithomancy - ( )
Divination by stones
litigaphobia - ( )
A fear of being sued or of lawsuits
loganamnosis - ( )
The obsession with recalling a certain word
logastellus - ( )
A person whose love of words is greater than their knowledge of words
logocracy - ( )
Rulership by words
logodaedaly - ( )
Verbal trickery or legerdemain
logogogue - ( )
A person who leads others in the use of words or by the use of words
logographer - ( )
A person who writes speeches or chronicles historical events
logomachist - ( )
A person who engages in a war of words
logomachize - ( )
To engage in a war of words
logomachy - ( )
A war of words or a battle about words
logomancy - ( )
Divination by words or by speech
logomaniac - ( )
A person obsessed with words
logomaniac - ( )
A person who is crazy about words
logophile - ( )
A person who loves words
logophobia - ( )
The fear of words
logorrhea - ( )
Excessive talking (or verbal diarrhea)
lohock - ( )
Medicine which is administered by licking it
longanimity - ( )
The ability to suffer patiently
longiloquent - ( )
Extremely long-winded
lopadotemachoselachogaleokranioleipsanodrimhypotrimmatosilphioparaomelitokatakechymenokichlepikossyphophattoperisteralektryonoptekephalliokigklopeleiolagoiosiraiobaphetraganopterygon - ( )
A goulash composed of all the leftovers from the meals of the leftovers from the meals of the last two weeks
lorgnette - ( )
A pair of glasses mounted on a handle
loupe - ( )
The small magnifying glass used by jewellers
lubberland - ( )
A mythical paradise reserved for those who are lazy
lucubrator - ( )
A person who studies during the night
lustration - ( )
Ceremonial purefication performed before entering a holy place
lychnobite - ( )
A person who works at night and sleeps during the day
lygerastia - ( )
The condition of one who is only amorous when the lights are out
lygophobia - ( )
A fear of darkness or of the night
lypothymia - ( )
Profound melancholy
lysistrataphobia - ( )
The fear that women will subvert men and take over the world
lyssophobia - ( )
1.A fear of going insane
lyssophobia - ( )
2. A fear of rabies

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